CNI Lightweight Threat Assessment


This document presents a lightweight threat assessment for the Container Network Interface (CNI) project, aiming to identify potential security threats and propose mitigation strategies.

Threat Analysis

Potential Unauthorized Access to Network Configurations

  • Category: Repudiation
  • Given that CNI is an administrative tool used to manage container networking, malicious or abusive actions that CNI is directed to perform should be traceable.
  • Possible Mitigation Strategies:
    • Mandate logging mechanisms.
    • Implement auditing of access logs.

Misconfiguration of Networks Leading to Vulnerabilities

  • Category: Denial of Service, Tampering
  • Certain configurations may lead to unexpected denial of service or tampering due to a plugin’s precedence rules or if a configuration is invalid.
  • Possible Mitigation Strategies:
    • Provide clear documentation on secure configuration practices.
    • Implement configuration validation tools.


Ongoing evaluation and updates to this assessment are necessary to adapt to evolving security threats in the CNI project.